Friday, June 24, 2011

Marsha Linehan

Really interesting article about the creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (read about DBT here), Marsha Linehan's struggles with suicide and self destructive behaviors that led to her own hospitalizations and ECT treatments.

I think that so brave of Dr. Linehan to come out with this personal, personal story. It just goes to show that people with mental health issues CAN get better and be successful people. It also shows how serious the stigma is...that a person who understands and treats people with mental illnesses had such a difficult time coming out with her own personal story.


You can read more about Dr. Linehan and her work on her website at the University of Washington (Seattle) here.

I'm also going to post some videos from youtube about DBT here and here.


  1. That was a very good article. I just started a DBT class last week and will be continuing weekly for the next year. I am looking forward to what it might bring.

  2. Although I have heard about DBT I never new its origins. Reading about "radical acceptance" made me think of the "Serenity Prayer" that is often used at Alcoholic Anonymous meetings.

    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
